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sprained ankle clicking
9/21 15:04:55

hi i was playing tennis about 3 months ago and fell on my ankle awkwardly and fault i broke it because i felt it click so i went to the hospital and they said i have sprained it. so after a few days of rest the swelling went down but my ankle bone sticks out more than the other one and when i try to run or put pressure on it it clicks and is painful also a burning sensation for around 1 minute. could you please advise me on this thanks !!

A sprain involves tearing of ligaments. It is also possible that you had a small chip fracture   that was missed on the original xray. Both of these involve additional bone growth that should get smaller as the area heals. The burning sensation should not be there at 3 months.You are either pulling on a tendon, ligament or nerve. An exam should be able to localize the burning and clicking
Go get an opinion from a podiatrist who does orthopedics or sports medicine.
Good Luck!
Dr George Tsatsos-Chicago & Elmhurst Podiatrist
Board Certified Foot & Ankle Surgery & Orthopedics

Not med advice-just info for all

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