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My right big toe
9/21 15:07:58

Thank you. I experienced sudden extreme pain along my big toe (?upper?lower) last week and immediately it became almost impossible to walk at all. It felt exactly like having a broken toe (which I have also experienced) but I know there's nothing much one can do about broken toes.  However, I was perplexed, having only days before been on a walk, easily, without the slightest pain. Trying to work out what could be wrong, I thought back and remembered some injury to the toe months earlier - I knocked it hard or something fell on it and I remember thinking that would create a massive bruise as it was v. painful at the time. Since then, I have had occasionaly severe pain during a yoga stretch when meant to press on both feet as in a high walking position. I had to immedately stop doing that.  During the weekend before this sudden severe pain started, I had been moving normally and had been on a boat and jumped once onto the side of the canal - without problem.

This pain began out of the blue a few days later. I gather the X-ray I had shows no break but it shows "some arthritis".  However, the degree of pain I experience surely couldn't be due to that!?  I struggled to do any shopping a few days later and ended up in impossible pain and very distressed.  My GP wonders whether its a Morton's Neuroma but is not sure. It certainly feels like something on the nerve as the pain is so strong.  I am now on high doses of Ibuprofen etc and wondering how long this is going to go on. I am a walker normally, so feel very concerned about it all.  Incidentally, I have no other arthritis at all except in my lower back (+ scoliosis) but that's quite manageable.  I'm a young 63 and healthy and fit.  The pain can be across the front area of my big toe and sometimes also down the top of the toe, on taking a step.  Now I am walking with the foot right on the side, to avoid using the toe atall - which is really bad.  For information, I have never worn high-heels or pointed shoes - but I do have rather flat feet and in the last year or so have noticed, an irritating 'rough, sandy-like, maybe burning sensation' on the bottom of my right foot after about 3 miles of walking (in good walking boots).  Please can you advise me.  I'm feeling pretty desperate for a)  helpful knowledge  b) a diagnosis  c) advice. Currently I am only able to wear soft, very old trainer shoes. Will I damage things if I can manage to walk atall -eg: to the village shop?! I have barely been able to walk since this began, which makes life impossible. Painkillers help but not fully and I don't feel great & don't like being on such high doses for long. I have tried wearing a special shaped rubber sole (for flat feet) but the toe then hurts even more, as it creates some pressure on top.  Nothing seems to help. Thankyou for your advice.

Hi Lisa,

I think there are several avenues to consider.  If you have had an injury to the toe, arthritis may cause the pain.  While walking a small piece of bone may chip off into the joint and cause sudden pain.  This could be more closely evaluated with an MRI or CT scan.
Other considerations include gout.  This condition is sudden onset and highly painful.  It also occurs around the large toe area.
Here is more info on gout:

I would seriously consider seeing a Podiatrist for an evaluation but that should get you started.


Marc Katz, DPM
Tampa, FL
Advanced Podiatry

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