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elevator whiplash neck injury
9/23 17:39:55

Hi Dr Durnin

I hope you have some advice for me, as I am at my wits end!
About 3 months ago, I was in an elevator accident, when the elevator dropped suddenly 4 floors.
I thought nothing of it, other than being scared and went on with it. About a month later, I started developing severe headaches at the back lower lobe of my head on the left side. I would get the headache depending on how my head and neck were situated. I was diagnosed with whiplash and whiplash induced headache/neck strain.
I do not remember hitting my head.
I was sent to a physiotherapist. It seems that the headache has reduced itself somewhat, but she has seen that the problem has worked itself out thru my shoulder and down my arm on one side,it is the side opposite the headache.
After almost 6 weeks of physio, I am not really feeling any better and sometimes the treatment actually causes more pain and seems to irritate the neck and cause dizziness, where I almost fell.
I also suffer from very severe TMJ which also seems to be irritated by the physio.
The physiotherapist knows all this.

Any other suggestions?

She thinks I should go for a CT/xrays of my head, neck and shoulder, but won't really explain why.


Hi Patricia,
You are far from being at the end of options.

First and foremost, your "physio" will make your problem worse since they are not equipped to handle these problems.
It appears you are familiar with what we do, why don't you see a Chiropractor and get it corrected?
Remember, this is what we spend 9 yrs in college for. You are just using the wrong tool for the job, have a D.C. in your area that comes highly recommended and you won't look back.

Having an MRI, CT and other tests, will only confirm what I already know from your history. Any time you have referred pain in the upper extremities, shoulder and head, it is caused by nerve impingement at several cervical vertebral levels and is only corrected by manual manipulation. The greater occipital nerve that exits above the first cervical vertebrae is being compressed causing occipitalgenic headaches. The upper extremity problems arise from nerve entrapment at the lower cervical vertebrae.
Your problem is common and easy to treat, you just have to use the right doctor. Don't wait, get an appointment with a local D.C. ASAP and you will wonder why you didn't do this first.

Ask around, you will be hard pressed to find anyone with a pleasant outcome from P.T. or allopathic medicine as it relates to biomechanical problems. Anytime you have issues with your spine, see a spine doctor, it only makes sense, all that M.D.'s are capable of doing is masking symptoms with meds that do not cure anything.

D.C.'s actually fix the source of the problem without putting you at risk for unnecessary tests, drugs and potentially deadly outcomes. Get the proper help, get an appointment with a D.C., you won't look back!

Dr.Timothy Durnin

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