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pain in the back of shoulder
9/23 17:34:10


I am aged 35 years living in ECG,heart and abdominal ultro sound scan report shows normal.My bood sugar and lipids are within normal MY brain and spine report dated 09 04 2008shows the following
1posterior disc/osteophyte bar at C5C6 andC6C7 level causing indendation of thecal sac
2Foraminal narrowing is noted at C6C7 level on rightside
My symptoms and discomfort are following
There is no neck pain but pain in the back of shoulder radiating downwards.A different pain is experienced at left groin area at the time reducing pain at shoulder.
Whenever no such pain at groin,flatulence are passed through anus abnormally.Defecation is also not in proper,it gets very irregular.
Herewith the images of MRI are sent at possible extent for your kind reference.
please advise me any examination if required
please let me know the disorder and remedy
Hoping the reply as early
Thanking you sir


The MRI images didn't come through... I can't see them.  ZI can tell you that osteophytes are bone spurs and can crush delicate nerve roots, especially in the arms and neck (for your levels).  As for the flatulence and defecation; proabably not related.  Without the films its hard to comment as to your specific issue.  Did your doctor not explain the findings of your films?

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