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Bone Spur
9/21 15:08:56

Dear David,
I realize you are not a doctor but I am hoping you might be able to help.  Several years ago a fifty pound box fell behind my right foot knocking out the bone behind my ankle, a little above the heal, the area that if you are wearing sandles the strap usually rests on.  Although, the bone use to be alot more noticeable it is still extremely painful.  Everytime I walk I feel the pain as if the bone is pinching on a nerve or something.  And since the bone takes up some space my right shoes never quite fit like the left.  Is there a procedure to surgically remove bone spurs that you know of?  Is it possible to remove them and the cause of the nerve that it is rubbing against.  I know you understand just what foot pain is and how incredibly painful it can be and I have been dealing with this for years that I just can't take it anymore.  Any help you can give would be appreciated.  Thank you so much.

Hello Noriya

Oh yes, I am well aware of feet pain. Nothing compares, even back aches.

A good podiatrist can remove the bone spur. But you may wish to try these ideas first;

Starting with shoes; first I would buy a pair of Dr. Sholls shoe inserts. They have one for heavy-duty use, they are brown on the bottom.

Next, stand in your kitchen, facing the counter top.Put one foot back, firmly on the floor. The other knee slightly bent. Hands on the edge of the counter top. Push forward with your foot set back, then push back with your hands. Move back and forth 10 times. FEEL the calf in the back of your leg set back, stretch. Then reverse feet and do 10 more times.

Next, place your hands on the top of the counter top. Squat down slowly. Go up slowly, do 10 times.

Do these two exercises every day.

These exercises stretch and loosen up your muscles in your legs and feet, so the stress caused by your bone spur becomes a lot less.

Now, go to Home Depot and buy a couple of 5-gallon pails with lids and a concrete block. Put some water in each pail, put the lids back on, and while wearing comfortable shoes, step up and down on the concrete block. Do 5 minutes in the morning, when you wake up, 5 minutes at night, before you go to bed. This exercise makes the muscles stronger and the bones stronger. Stronger muscles cushion bone spurs.

Shoes. I have found that Redwing makes the most comfortable shoes today. Combined with the Dr. Sholls inserts, I can walk all day with almost no pain or discomfort.

If you can afford them, buy Redwing shoes.

If you have any more questions, please write again. Hope you are finally feeling better.  

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