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 Bone Health > Question and Answer > Podiatry > Fasciitis??
9/21 15:07:59

About a year and a half ago I hurt my foot playing tennis. It wasn't overuse I took a wrong step and hurt the left foot. I ignored it and kept playing, also everyday I walk.
The foot never healed. I started stretching and it feels almost normal but when I try slow jogging ( a few minutes)on
a soft surface it acts up. I have no heel pain, like in fasciitis the area of  discomfort is located at the bottom of the foot, heel end but on the side of the foot. I wish I could post a picture.  I hope I explained where it is located correctly. Is this fasciitis or tendonitis? Can I get rid of this once and for all?

Hi Rocco,

I'm unsure of the exact location of the foot pain.  Let's divide the foot into the forefoot(toes and ball of foot), midfoot(arch area) and rearfoot(heel area). Also let's identify the little to side versus the big toe side or in alignment with the middle toes.  Can you describe the foot pain?  Sharp, dull, radiating, burning etc.  Do you have pain in the morning or after sitting?  Have you seen a Podiatrist?  Any x-rays or MRI?

Please send me some more info and we will try to figure it out.


Marc Katz, DPM
Tampa, FL
Advanced Podiatry

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