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 Bone Health > Question and Answer > Podiatry > wart
9/21 15:08:57

My 6 year old has a wart on the bottom of his foot--I was told I can use duct tape and wart remover-or have it freezed off.
He had one last year on his knee and had to have it cut off-so he is very scared
What should I do?

Hello Pam

Very sorry to hear that your son has this problem. Warts on the foot can be annoying and painful. Especially for a small child.

FIRST - NEVER wrap duct tape around your skin. There is lead in the paint in duct tape and if you wrap the tape around your skin, the lead WILL get into your son's bloodstream! Not good!! You have to have dialysis several weeks to completely filter out the lead. A guy at my job cut his finger, used duct tape to cover the cut and ended up in the hospital for a month.

I have seen tape work on warts. Use the waterproof white-colored first aid tape they sell in stores like Walmart, etc. I also have seen stores sell the freeze in cans for warts. Never used these freezing products, so I cannot say if they work, or are a waste of money and time.

If you can take him to a podiatrist, this would be a good idea. They can do a better job in removing the wart; usually freezing. But if money is tight, try the waterproof tape.

Hope this helps.  

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