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toes spreading
9/21 15:08:13

I have a strange problem in that on my left foot, my 3rd toe is spreading away from the 2nd toe and closing in on the 4th toe (when my foot is on the ground, it appears to form almost a V.  I have pain in my 4th toe when I wear closed-in shoes.  I also notice that when my right foot is flat on the ground, the toes on this foot appear to be doing the same thing (all of them spreading apart) - no pain there though.

Hi Pam,

There are a couple of possibilities that can cause toe spreading.  

One consideration is an enlarged nerve known as a neuroma or Morton's neuroma.  This condition causing nerve thickening and this takes up extra space leading to toe separation.  This will also lead to pain in the toes or foot.

There could also be some type of soft tissue mass that will cause the same problem.  Typically these are benign and not worrisome. These can also cause toe pain.

You may have an imbalance in your foot leading to over pull of the tendons.  This can lead to the abnormal position and is often difficult to change unless you address the mechanics of the foot.  This is typically done by seeing a Podiatrist and being evaluated for orthotic devices.

These are some of the common problems.

I would see a Podiatrist for an exam and evaluation.  In some cases x-rays and MRI may be obtained.  So, have it checked out and treated.

Hope that starts you out on the right path.  Feel free to ask more questions as you progress.  Also see my sites below for specific information on conditions that I mentioned.


Marc Katz, DPM
Tampa, Florida
Advanced Podiatry

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