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Deeply embedded toenail dirt
9/21 15:08:19

I have not been able to soak away the dirt under the sides of my toenails.  I
have had this problem for a couple of years.  Until about a year ago, it would
come clean after going on vacations where I would spend hours a day in the
ocean, but this is no longer working.  The dirt is under both sides of both big
toe toenails, now halfway or more to the base of the nail.  I have tried soaking
with sea salt, epsom salt, hydrogen peroxide and vinegar in the soaking
water.  Would a solution of EDTA work, and if so, would it be safe and what
strength to make the soaking solution?  Should I try undiluted hydrogen
peroxide or vinegar?  I am trying to address this before it becomes a larger
problem.  Please help.  

Hi Susan,

Sorry for the delay.  

Typically the discoloration is a result of a fungal infection in the nail and skin.  The color that you are seeing is not dirt.  It likely improved in the ocean because the minerals in the ocean are a natural antifungal.

I have not found peroxide or vinegar to be effective.  Typically, you will need to file the nails and use an antifungal made for the nails and another for the surrounding skin.

Some people have used Tea Tree Oil with success.  You can also see a Podiatrist to get more options.  I also like a product named Tineacide cream for the nails.  Over the counter Lamisil AT can be used for the skin.

Good Luck,

Marc Katz, DPM
Tampa, FL
Advanced Podiatry

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