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lump on toe
9/21 15:07:10

Hi Dr.Kratz
I wrote to awhile back. I had a lump on my third toe on my right foot. You told me that it could be a cyst of some kind and to go in and have it looked and they will probably drain it and put cortisone in it which you were right about everything. My question to you is it never went away what its still there it is smaller though. Should I go back in?

Hi Amanda,

I would watch the area.  If the toe cyst gets worse or becomes painful, I would see your dr again.  If the cyst grows rapidly or your toe becomes discolored or numb, I would also make an appointment.  If the area continues to be a problem you could have the toe cyst removed.

Good Luck.


Marc Katz, DPM
Tampa, FL
Advanced Podiatry

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