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 Bone Health > Question and Answer > Arthritis > Rheumatology > Hips
9/23 17:22:14

I have just started a degree course in Contemporary Dance and for the first time in my life my hips constantly need to click in order for me to gain more flexibility. I find that as i warm up they do not need to click as much but still do occassionally throughout class. They also need to click when i am simply walking around. On some occassions i find that they will not click which becomes uncomfortable to dance. It occurs more in my left hip than my right. My sister has also had this problem but not as bad and says it could be linked with arthritis inwhich she and my dad both suffer from. Please can you give me some information about what it might be or how to stop it.
Many Thanks
Natalie Judges

I'm not sure what you mean by "clicking," but if you're feeling discomfort during dance in a degree course, it's worth your time and effort to investigate with a doctor what's causing it.  If you don't have a student health center, call your sister or father for a recommendation on who they see.  

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