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knuckles pop
9/23 17:22:14

For a couple weeks I've been waking up with one thumb and/or one or both index fingers feeling stiff until I bend them when they crack and then feel fine.  Same thumb also feels like the joint is popping when I extend it.  I've cut out most Blackberry use (but still practice flute) and am sleeping in compression gloves and splint for thumb, taking ibuprofen at night with some improvement but it hasn't cleared up.  I also take Glucosamine.  I'm 49.  If it is from over-use (which I'm not sure about since my use hadn't changed you'd think this would've come on gradually if over-use is the cause) how long would it take to clear up?  Any other ideas about cause?

Hi Susan,

I believe it is over use, RA does not effect those joints initially anyway, so that is not a concern. When something comes on suddenly only means it was there all the time but didn't stimulate the nervous system enough to warn you something was wrong. This is called a sub-clinical finding, or asymptomatic issue.
These are everywhere and painless until stressed in some way. Most people make the mistake of taking GS with an NSAID such as Ibuprofen.
Since IB inhibits connective/cartilage growth, the GS will have little effect. Stop taking the IB and continue taking GS with MSM at 3 grams/day. Relief and repair will come soon.

Good Luck!

Dr. Timothy Durnin

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