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 Bone Health > Question and Answer > Arthritis > Rheumatology > polyarthritis
9/23 17:22:55

my partner was struck down 4 weeks ago by what A&E have diagnosed as polyarthritis.  His doctor is throwing his hands in the air and says he knows nothing and that we are under the hospital now and although blood test results are available from A&E the doc will not ring for them.  We are at a loss where to go, what to do, who to speak to, and even what this condition is.  My partner is a self employed builder and money is already a problem.  Is it possible for him to work through  this condition although each day his body burns with a red itchy rash, several of his joints swell and become painful and he is extremely tired and can only really sleep.  He hobbles around like an old man and we are very frightened.  Do you have any information about this type of arthritis.  Thanks

Dear Deborah,  You tell your partner that he needs to request a copy of all lab work that has been done, so that you two know what the blood tests are telling the doctor....  I really can't do much to help you when I don't know what blood tests have been done and what the results are conpared to the "normal values"....  Your partner can get this information even in the hospital by simply signing a medical release of information form....  Get these blood test results for all blood work done and get back to me....

Also, there are several FORMS of polyarthritis and even conditions that mimic polyarthritis, so a more definate diagnosis must be made....  The rash is what is bothering me here which could indicate Still's disease, Lupus etc....  These diseases also cause rashes, joint swelling and pain and fatigue....

Get the blood tests reports, get a Rheumatologist on consultation and in the mean time, here is a web site:

there are literally hundreds more on the internet and can be accessed by using the search word polyarthritis...

thank you,   karen

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