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 Bone Health > Question and Answer > Podiatry > pain in ankle.......
pain in ankle.......
9/21 15:09:04

before i go to my doctor, I will ask to see if you have any ideas as to what is causing my left ankle pain.
39 year old male, no smoking/drinking.
about 25lbs overweight.....196lbs for 5'-9"
Not a runner or any other activity which may obviously cause said pain.
Ankle feels like it has been sprained, but I can walk on it 99% of the time, occasionally, I will feel an intense round of pain, which subsides after only a few minutes.
when I feel the most pain, and the best description I can give is if I sit, raise my leg, flex my toes as if to try to point to my face and then rotate my foot either CW or CCW....I feel the pain mostly in/around the fibula/ tibia....on the sides of the ankle and not the front or back.
I had recently been to my doctor complaining of numbness/coldness in the left leg...nothing found amiss......recommended 80 mg aspirin/day.
any ideas?

Hello Andrew

Sounds like you pulled your arch muscle. Your podiatrist will be able to determine exactly what it is.

A good podiatrist, if they have to give you a cortozone shot, will first apply a local, then give you a small shot, then a bigger shot - and you should feel NOTHING when you are getting the shots. If you feel anything, or they do not numb the nerves with a local FIRST, then get a different podiatrist.

Hopefully they will then fit you with some shoe inserts to support your arches.

Afterwards, write again and we can discuss some stretching exercises that will help keep you from having this problem again.

Have a good day.  

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