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lower back of left foot hurts
9/21 15:08:58

Hello David,
I don't know why but the back of my left foot hurts when I do long periods of running or playing basketball.  I went to a podiatrist and he gave me naproxen, that temporarily helped but it after its course was completed, the symptoms came back.  I don't know what it could be.  I looked at a diagram of the foot and the pain that I have is at the point where the achilles attaches to the bone of the foot.  Could it be Haglund's deformity?  

Hello Ali

Sounds like your shoes are giving you a fit! There is two things you can do to help;

1. Go to a store like Walmart, near the pharmacy. They have foot inserts by Dr. Sholls. One is brown in color, cost about 19 bucks. It is for heavy duty walking on your feet. I wear it and it works GREAT. I work outside on concrete all day.

2. Buy better shoes. I wear Redwing Shoes. They cost $125 but they are GREAT. Along with the inserts, I have NO feet pain problems. I bought the WORX shoes, blue, grey, and black in color with the steel toe.

Hope this helps. Have a great day.

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