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Painful toe joint and top of foot pain
9/21 15:08:41

For about three or four years I have had two problems.  One is that I have severe pain in my right toe joint whenever I try to bend it in either direction.  It is extremely painful when I swim, walk up or down a ramp, on uneven ground, etc. There is swelling and a callous on the top of the toe.  The tops of my feet also hurt when I put weight on them, walk, etc.  I don't know if it is related, but on my left foot if I try to stretch it out and put my toes flat out in front of me, it feels as if my foot at the front of my ankle wants to bend upward.  I am not sure how to explain that one so that may be a bit unclear.  At any rate I have an appointment with a podiatrist next week and am concerned that I am going to be facing surgery and/or months or even years of physical therapy for one or both of these problems.  I am also allergic to aspirin and aspirin products and I do not know if that would effect my treatment plan or not.  I know you cannot be sure without seeing me or my x-rays, but can you at least give me some idea of what I may be facing as far as treatment is concerned and if there is likely to be relief from this pain in the near future?
Thank you in advance.


It sounds like you have feet that need more mechanical support and this is accomplished with custom orthotic devices/arch supports.
Before considering surgery, I would look at options such as anti-inflammatories, cortisone injections and physical therapy.
It sounds like you may have degeneration of a joint and will likely require surgery at some point.  Surgery does not indicate that there will be a long recovery.  It depends on the procedure.
Aspirin allergy should be no issue.
The most important factor will be to find a Podiatrist that will take time and make you comfortable with your treatment and decision. You should make a list of questions and have them answered.
As you go through the process, feel free to drop another note with any questions.


Marc Katz, DPM
Advanced Podiatry
Tampa, FL

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