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Foot discomfort
9/21 15:08:28

First of all  thank you for your quick response.
I am presently taking Aceon for high blood pressure and Synthroid for thyroid.  I do get random numbness in my left leg.  There is a constant pain on top of my left foot favoring the left top, along with minor swelling. My feet do not sweet, I change socks daily and my shoes fit well.
Again thank you for your quick response and I look forward to getting this resolved.
The text above is a follow-up to ...

I have been suffering from what seems like blisters on the bottom of my feet.  There is no visible signs of blisters but when I put pressure on my feet, like walking, if feels like I have blisters running under my toes and the ball of both feet.  I have been to my local Podiatrist and he has no idea what it might be.
Thank you in advance for you time in this.

Hi Jerry,

I need to get some more information.  Do you have any medical problems?  Do you have pain, numbness, throbbing of the feet?  Any sharp pains in the toes.

Have you checked your shoes for size, too small?

Do your feet sweat alot?

Any discoloration of the skin on the feet.

Any other info that may help? Any other symptoms?

Send me the info and we will go from there.


Marc Katz, DPM
Tampa, FL
Advanced Podiatry


A few considerations.

Neuropathy affecting the foot/feet.  Another is Sciatica or a pinched nerve.

I would see a neurologist for an exam and possibly a nerve conduction study.

This is a good start and may be causing your foot discomfort.

I would also see your primary Dr. for a general physical and some basic blood work.   

Good Luck


Marc Katz, DPM
Tampa, FL
Advanced Podiatry

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