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sharp, occaisional pain in top of foot
9/21 15:08:03

I'm 39yo and in good health.  Starting a few months ago, occasionally I will feel a sudden, sharp, intense pain in my right foot -- like getting stung by a yellow jacket on steroids.  It will last a few seconds and then dissipate. The location is consistent -- mid-foot on top near the outside edge.  Initially, I would encounter it only twice/month.  It has increased in frequency since then and today it's happened 4 times.  I haven't able to determine a trigger for it. Walking, standing, sitting...exercising, resting...different happens regardless.  I would really appreciate any guidance.  Thank you.

Hi Steve,

Pain such as yours may be related to irritaion of the tendons and nerves on the top of the foot.  I would typically look at your shoes for irritation areas and watch you walk.  Often, the shoes are too tight.  However, your pain is a vague type of pain so you will benefit most by seeing a Podiatrist.  Have you gotten any new shoes?  Walking or new exercise?  Working on new surfaces?  Any injuries.  If you can give me some more information I may be able to give you more guidance.


Marc Katz, DPM
Tampa, FL
Advanced Podiatry

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