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Foot Injury?
9/21 15:01:17

Hi Dr. Katz - so I am trying to figure out what I may have done with my foot. I work out pretty regularly and decided to go running for 3 miles on Sunday. No issues. I ran again 3 miles on Monday - halfway thru started feeling a gradual pain in my left foot, on the outside side of the foot, a bit below where my pinky toe is. I eventually stopped and it didnt seem to bother me much rest of the day. Following day, it hurt in certain positions, particularly when walking barefoot or leaning on the foot and leaning forward. It only hurts in one area. Of course I googled and it appears to be in the area where the 5th metastarsal (spelling?) is? I had/have no pain, swelling, redness or tenderness to the touch and its not getting worse. Interestingly, when I wear a heel or a heel wedge shoe where the back of my foot is higher than front, it goes away. Never had anything like this...I am rolling my arch on a golf ball everyday and few times and it does help. Is this a tendon issue? fracture? Unfortunately I leave on vacation Friday, and trying to figure out what I should and should not do :(


Hi Eva

There are many possibilities.  You may have strained a ligament or tendon, stress fracture, and nerve irritation.  Those are what come to mind.  It may have been from overuse or the shoes that you wore.  Heels often make conditions feel better temporarily as they change the position of your foot. If you still have the pain, I would see a podiatrist and have an exam and xray.

For more information about these conditions, check my website

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