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chronic pain/uncontrolled
9/26 9:30:55

thirteen years ago i had a back injury. resulted in three bulging disc and nerve irritation. Since then I haven't been the same. Dr's said because of injury I would develop arthritis and degenerative disc disease. which I have. After that initial injury I was hit in the rear in vehicle which resulted in Chronic migraines. I have since been diagnosed with TMJ,degenerative disc disease,degenerative joint disease,chronic migraines,osteoarthritis,rhuematoid arthritis,fibromyalgia,recently severly irritated nerve root inflammation. I fell about three months ago and did this. so to all my chronic pains I have this. I am presently taking Vicodin 7.5/500 four times a day, parafon forte ds four times a day. Mobic 12.5mg twice a day,neurontin 100mg twice a day, Axert for migraines.all this for my pain and I'm still rating my pain at 6-8 on a daily basis. I recently had three caudal injections without relief.Now I am in Physical therapy but they can't do much because of pain level and tightness of muscles. I have since fallen twice more due to leg weakness(which dr.says is from the irritated nerves) My doctor also ordered ditropan due to losing bladder control. I had to have a complete hysterectomy at the age of 23 and take premarin daily. I also use Super Blue stuff externally to try to ease pain. I use heat but have been told to watch it (I burned myself and didn't know it) I've lost sensitivity on my back, but yet it hurts so bad and much I really don't understand all this. it's like when my legs are rubbery and numb feeling they still hurt. My question is: Is there some way I can get relief and try to get off all this medicine? I try to work three days a week but after this last fall have only been able to get to work one day a week and only worked four hours one day and less than two the other one. The pain was so horrible I just couldn't stand to sit/stand or walk. I have myself started Altovis which is medicine to help with fatique. I think and feel all this medicine is partly to blame for that  and the pain. I sleep very little. It hurts to lay on my back/side and stomach. Please help!! I'm willing to try anything to get out of this pain! I'm not suicidal but When I recently loss a friend who had MS I thought how lucky she now is. I just noticed message to be specific where pain is: Pain is in Mainly low back down into hips and legs. although during migraines it goes down into neck and shoulders upper back. pretty much entire body.

Dear Theresa,

I'm going to be direct with you to be sure you hear this message:

All of the symptoms you have described (with the possible exception of rheumatoid arthritis) are traceable to muscular contractions of neuromuscular origin and can be corrected by a neuromuscular training process.  That means no more meds and no surgery.

I wonder why you had to have a hysterectomy.  I would like to have heard that answered before you had the surgery.

Migraine headaches disappear when the scalene muscles of the neck relax.  Back pain ends when the back muscles relax.  Leg movement and sensation normalize when the pressure comes off the nerve roots that exit from the spine and go down the legs.  Bladder control returns, likewise.  Sleep normalizes when the pain disappears.

As you have observed, all this started with your back injury, which usually involves muscles going into contraction, and was compounded by more injuries.  The universal response to injury is to contract.

I'm directing you to Somatics on the Web for information and resources.  The address is; articles at

Go there, read, and get back to me at [email protected].  I'm pointing you to a way to turn your life around.

with regard,
Lawrence Gold

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