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back and kidney?
9/26 8:50:55

Hello and thank you for reading my question. The pain started with quick pain upon straigting upright, over the next two days the pains increased. But today the third day the pain has increased alot and has moved to my right side around my kidney still on the back side. It is hard to take a deep breath, it feels like someone has ahold of something in there. Yesterday the pain was alittle higher and more centered. I'm 28 and in good shape non smoker, and 180 lbs, the other day i slipped down the stairs outside but never fell, the pain just gets worst, the only time it doesn't hurt so much is when sitting up.
thank you chris


I am not sure what your question is. I can't give you a diagnosis over the Internet.

Given your increasing pain, you should see your primary medical physician to rule out an underlying medical condition. If you are deemed to have a muscle or disc-related problem, you can see a chiropractor or massage therapist for treatment.

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