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cartelidge damage
9/26 8:41:22

Hi Kieth, I have recently been diagnosed with cartelidge damage around my discs in my spine.  So far I have been doing excercises off my physiotherapist but theyre not really doing much.  I am still in a bit of pain and can't do much at all.  I am trying to stay active but am taking quite a few painkillers just to be able to move around pain free, I have been off work now for 13 weeks.  Any help you can give me would be appreciated.

Dear Lynn,

Nothing cures your condition. Nothing.  There are many things that can be done, often simultaneously, to help control and manage the condition.

Physiotherapy, and exercise, help with the muscles, but if this is all that you are doing... exercising to improve muscle strength and flexibility, you are missing the boat here. I am not saying that part of your treatment plan shouldn't include exercises, but exercise alone is usually not the answer. Have you seen a chiropractor yet? If not, why not?  If you have, and the experience wasn't good, have you looked for another one? Manipulation and mobilization of the spine is often the answer. If not...How about decompression traction, or maybe epidural injections, nerve blocks, or burning of the pain component of the nerve root.  Spinal surgery to decompress nerve tissue is a last resort.

It is hard to give much help because disc injury can be so diverse.  I know that physical therapists do a lot of people a lot of good, but if you are not getting any help, try something else.

Dr. Keith Biggs, DC

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