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elbow, fingers tingles
9/26 8:40:55

I used a computer a lot, and I am starting to have my little finger tingle like I have hit my funny bone.  I shake my arm and flex my wrists a little bit and I can continue to work. The tingleness is still there. Sometimes my tricep seems like it is tingling too, or a little pain around the same area. Is this related? Can I seek help from a chiropractor?

Hello Steve,

Tingling and numbness in the hand and fingers can be caused by a lot of things, such as cervical spondylosis, cervical disc herniation/bulging, ulnar entrapment, thoracic outlet syndrome, radial nerve entrapment, carpal tunnel syndrome, cerebral pathology, chord pathology, etc...

The short answer to your question, "Can I seek help from a chiropractor?" is Yes, this would be a good place to start.  The key is to make sure that your chiropractor, or your MD, wherever you go, does a good initial examination to try and find the cause of your symptoms. Sometimes this can be elusive, and might require additional imaging studies (MRI) or neurological studies (NCV, etc.)

Since there are so many variables, it is impossible for me to diagnose you through email... and without a good diagnosis, it is impossible to give you good solid advise on where to go for care.

If you don't wish to go to see a chiropractor, you could visit a medical doctor specialist known as a nuerologist to have your condtion evaluated.

I hope that this gives you some ideas.

Keith Biggs, DC

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