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Hurts everywere Very Strange feeling
9/23 17:40:32

I have been experiencing the starngest pain in upper legs,buttocks,shins,hips, shoulder blades,upper back under arms wrists basically hurts allover and especially towards evening,its has been like this for 2 weeks now with a low grade fever towards evening also,very hard time going to sleep duee to pain,i have fibromyalga,but this is different,this seems kind of like a nerve problem to me,,i fell down the stairs about 2 months ago and hurt myself pretty bad had alot of brusing on my lower left back and buttok,never went to emergency room,and i know i should have.iam also extremely tired no matter how much sleep i get,more like exhausted,i have a very high tolerance for pain,so iam not exagerating when i say this is disrupting my life all i want to do is lay down with a hot heat pack to put it on the sites were the pain is ,,its just that i only own 1 heat pack.i also been experiencing a stinging sensation going up to my bladder,i had that before when i had a urinary tracy infection,

I believe that you should see a physician and have some X-rays to make sure that you haven't got a pinched nerve from falling down the stairs.  You may have fractured a vertebra or moved a rib out of place or any number of things.

I can't really speculate on what might be going on.  I suggest getting some testing and treatment before it gets any worse.

Thank you for your question, Nicolette.  I hope that my answer helps you take the next step in solving your problem.

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