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shoulder blade pain and head pain
9/23 17:39:20

QUESTION: I have been living with pain for 13 yrs, I assume because of scoliosis. But I have been suffering from left shoulder blade pain and shooting pains up the left side of my head for about 2 yrs. The headaches are so bad they make me drowsy and only heat gel to the shoulder blade relieves the pain not headache pills. I found out yesterday that I now have a torn left shoulder tendon that started being painful 3-4 months ago. This shoulder blade pain started after changing careers which involved heavy lifting. During the first 8 weeks of the new job I had terrible back pain - I then discovered through an x-ray that I no longer had scoliosis but now had a straight neck instead of the normal curve and a curve in my spine in the lumbar region. I believe this abnormally straight neck is causing the shoulder blade pain, am I right? Is there a way to bring back the normal curve to my now painful straight neck? I suffer neck fatigue when sitting with my head at a certain positions and sleeping is 'a pain in the neck'! Your reply would be gratefully received.

ANSWER: Hi Yvonne,

This is basic Chiropracic stuff, cervical curve restoration is a big part of what we do. Have you been treated for this by a D.C.? I need to know first before I can advise you further. The simple answer to your question is yes, cervical staightening can cause radiating pain across the shoulder girdle. Nerves that exit the C-spine continue on into the upper extremities and across the upper back. I need to know everything you have done to date before I can advise you on any new course of action. If the only thing you've done is put heat on it, then I can confidently say you need to do more. Let me know so I can help.

Dr. Timothy Durnin

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: I have not had any treatment since the shoulder pain began. I was seeing an American woman (I'm from Australia)who was a chiropractor specialising in scoliosis about 3-4 yrs ago but that was when I had the thoracic curve only at the time and she no longer has her practice in my area. The reason I haven't bothered to see anyone is because I thought that lax ligaments and spinal curvatures were a problem I had to live with. Thankyou for your speedy response and of course your time, it is very greatfully received and appreciated. PS. what is a DC? A chiropractor?

HI Yvonne, yes a D.C. is a Doctor of Chiropractic. lax ligaments do not cause cervical straightening, muscle spasm secondary to nerve compression, post traumatic neck injury and poor sleeping habits do. This problem is readily treated by home cervical restoration kits and/or manipulation of the neck depending on the cause. I would first find out why it is straight, make sure you have a recent x-ray (within a year) and see an Orthopaedic specialist or Chiropractor to make sure it is not disc related. One thing you don't want to do is wait and let it heal that way, the longer it goes untreated, the more difficult it will be to restore. Sometimes it is best to leave it alone if you have adapted to it, if it is not painful, changing the biomechanics after years of straightening can cause new problems. If this is a recent issue, get it restored before it is permanent.

Dr. Timothy Durnin

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