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 Bone Health > Question and Answer > Pain and Symptoms > Back and Neck Injury > Cervical
9/23 17:34:37


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Hello dear Dr.

First thank you for reading this message.
I was doing my homeworks, when I suddenly felt something behind my head. If I move my arm to touch, for example, my back, or if I turn my head to an extent, or budge my arm at an extent, the pain immidiately relies to the cervical section of my head, on the left, at the TOP of the neck, on the left. I'm a cyclist junior, I'm very sportive, I don't know why I could've got this NOW doing homeworks! I'm going on a bike camp next wednesday, please tell me its probably nothing BAD! is it a torn nerve?

Hi Antoni,

You have most likely strained a muscle and/or sprained a joint in your neck. This can happen while doing homework, because you are looking down at the paper/books for a long period of time. I would recommend that you see a Chiropractic doctor in your area so that they can check you out and treat you. As an athlete, it is important to have your injuries checked by a professional so that the appropriate treatment can be recommended.

I hope this helps!

Dr. Liza

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