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Pain in lower back/sacrum
9/23 17:39:18

4 years ago i was in a car accident and think i stretched my iliolumbar or sacroiliac ligaments. I was in a massage therapy/trigger point class at the time and received lots of treatment through that which seemed to resolve the problem. However, a few days after the 4th of July I started feeling the same pains and figured i should not have lifted a cooler. Then 2 days ago i was pouring a 5 gallon water bottle into our office cooler and got a sharp twinge - worse than before, but not something i really worried about too much, just figured i had to up my back exercises. That night i was babysitting my niece and was picking her up out of the high chair and had to let her go b/c  i got a sharp pain in my lower back and felt something click/snap/let go (not sure how to discribe it) and now it hurts to bend over, sit, lie down (best is standing). I can't really lift my legs if I am lying down and rolling over in bed is quite difficult. I called a doctor recommended by the sports fitness/PT place near me but he has no openings for over a month. I have more mobility today than yesterday, but feel i need to see someone  and I am unsure whether to go to a doctor or a chiropractor. can you please give me some suggestions? I am a 34-year-old female if that plays into anything.

Chiropractic would be a good choice.  I can not give you a diagnosis without seeing you myself, but it sounds like you strained your Psoas muscle which could have "popped" a vertebrae or SI joint in the process.  There are some sport chiropractors out there, you just have to call the chiropractors in your are or look them up online to see if they know or do any sport related injuries.  I do a lot of sport related cases and many members of the same organizations do also.  If you are interested, go to to locate a doctor near you.  I am in St. Paul, Minnesota and would be happy to see you.  If you have any other questions or concerns please email me.

Dr. Starbuck

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