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Hey I have another question that the doc didnt answer when I asked
9/23 17:22:06

I asked you a question a few days ago. I had seen my husbands dr since my is on vacation for joint pain and swelling. He ran some blood work, he did and Arthritis Panel and some other tests. I finally got a hold of him on my results and he says everything came back normal and negative except for my ANA test. He says it is slightly positive. I asked what that meant and he didn't anwser my question. Isn't something either positive or negative? If it is just slightly positive what should I do what does this mean? My doctor won't be back until the 15th I have already made an appointment but I am confused and really wish doctors would anwser my questions. I do have Colitis would this make my ana positive? I read many sites saying that Ulcerative Colitis (which I have) is an Autoimmune Disease called Celiac Disease. Is it possible that this is the reason my ANA test was postive?


To answer you last question first; ANA is not used to diagnose Celiac Disease. It is unlikely that is the cause of you positive ANA. ANA is only part of any diagnoses. Other symptoms and the results of other tests have to be looked at also to come up with any diagnosis.

A slightly elevated ANA may or may not mean anything. There are several conditions that ANA is used to diagnose several different autoimmune disorders. Systemic lupus erythematosus most common disease associated with a positive ANA. Sj鰃ren抯 syndrome, Scleroderma, Raynaud抯 disease, rheumatoid arthritis, dermatomyositis, mixed connective tissue disease, and other autoimmune conditions can be associated with a positive ANA.

A positive ANA can be found in about 5% of healthy adults. Most of the people have low levels of ANA and some healthy people over 60 sometimes have higher levels.

I know that it is hard to be forceful with your doctor but at times that is exactly what you have to do. I never let a doctor leave a question unanswered. I often say to doctors 揈xcuse me but you did not answer my question about _____.?I also keep a medical journal in which I keep a question section. Any time I have a question between appointments I write it down so I will remember to ask. I started this when going through Chemo. There were just too many questions to remember to ask. Every time I go to the doctor I have my journal with me. I also make notes before going to the doctor about anything. I write all the symptoms down about what I am going to be seeing the doctor about because sometimes in the pressure of the appointment I forget something.

Sometimes it is good to have a support person go with you. I have a nephew with cystic fibrosis. I go with him and his mom to all his appointments. This started because she was not getting answers to her questions and was not comfortable about pressing the doctors about them. Sometimes she has questions written out for me to ask. Mostly I listen to the conversation and when a question is not answered I say, 揈xcuse me but you did not answer her question about _________.?I have even had to say to a doctor. 揑 am sorry I have to ask this again but is there any reason why you will not answer my question about ________.?It is my health an I refuse to let some one ignore a question I ask.
I hope this has answered your question and provide you with some information about getting your questions answered by doctors.


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