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fluid on knee
9/23 17:21:05

Friday evening I got off the couch and noticed I had at least a golf ball size lump on my knee that contained fluid. I had not done any unusual activities and had not injured the knee; so trauma or overuse is not the issue. The area is not hot or painful; just feels "weird".
I do have a positive ANA, raynauds and a positive scleroderma. I take hydroxychloroquine and have the usual complaints of connective tissue disease. Funny thing is my knees were bothering me for two days before the fluid came. No unusual pain , just the reg. joint pain I have come to live with. I am wondering if this is a new symptom of my disease and what would cause the fluid to appear without pain? Also how long will this take to go away?
I am a 50 year old female 5'9" 130 lbs. so weight is not an issue.
Thank you,
Anna Marie

Sometimes in scleroderma people will have calcinosis, which is calcium deposits in the skin.  These can range from hard and rock-like to fluid and milky.  But, having scleroderma and Raynaud's doesn't prevent you from having other conditions.  See your doc to find out what's going on and get proper treatment.

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