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chronic pain after hip replacement
9/21 14:23:33
I had a full hip replacement 1/31/06.  I felt great for about 4-5 months.  I did some dancing and slowly began to feel pain.  It has gotten progressively worse every day.  I have had x-rays and a bone scan and it shows that everything is fine.  The pain is now radiating down to my knee and the area around the scar is rock hard. The pain is also in my butt cheek and groin area.  So far no one can figure out what's causing the pain.  Anything you can tell me will be greatly appreciated.

Ask your doctor if it is possible you have sustained some type of nerve or tendon damage.  You might also want to ask for an arthrogram.  That test is completed by shooting a dye into the hip area to see if there is any loosening of the prosthesis.

An X ray might not show that loosening.

Best of luck to you.

Sharon Davis

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