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Hip replacement bi lateral
9/21 14:22:20
QUESTION: had two hip replacements within three months, first one is ok second on left hip hurts more, had a hematoma, I still need pain meds its been six weeks is this normal also have some depression and fatigue..
some groin pain not bad...what is the standard for healing time with this surgery, it was minimal invasive.
help please.

ANSWER: Hello Susan

I am not familiar with the minimal invasive technique, but in my experience, pain can last up to three or four months.  Six weeks of pain is not unusual.

As far as your fatigue, that's normal if you are still in pain and still on pain meds and depressed.  First of all I would look to tackle the depression issue.  Depression after surgery, specifically this type of surgery is very common.  You have lost your independence and as you get it back you will see your depression slowly lift.  If you are open to it, my suggestion would be to see if you can see a mental health counselor and get on some anti depression meds for a few weeks until you are feeling better.  I do that all the time when I have THR surgery and as my life returns to normal I wean off the meds.  It does help.

The pain will lessen unless there is an inherent problem with your prosthesis, and only your doctor can tell you that.

I wish you luck.


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: the other question I had was , I found with both of these surgeries, is it usual to be getting more tired and have less energy right now if I exert mysefl a lot my heart pounds fast. Is that part of the healing process, it being major surgery?It may be dumbquestion, but it worries me

You have had two major surgeries in three months.  If you were't tired I'd be terribly suprised.  Your body needs to heal.  Give it time.  Your feelings of depression are also adding to your fatigue as well as the pain you are having and the pain meds you are on.

Please relax and give your body time to heal. If your doctor won't give you the pain meds you need, get the pain mangement referral and see what they have to offer.  Try massage, that also helps but be sure that any massage therapist you use is aware of your THR's and do not let them do anything other than massage.  No stretches, no manipulations, only massage.

Hope I have helped.  Just please don't rush things, give yourself ample time to heal in both body and mind.


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