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fluid buildup on knee after dislocation of patella
9/21 14:21:23
Richard Haynes PTA/CPT - 9/20/2008

Hi, My son dislocated his knee on Sept 1,in a football game he had the knee drained 3 times so far ,wears a brace ,has physical therapy w were initially told a 4 week recovery time the knee keeps retaining fluid .How big of a concern is that ? The knee is strong. What can be the cause of the fluid build up?

Hello and thanks for the question.

If the knee itself were dislocated that would have been quite an event as there is generally extensive damage to the knee structure and nerve supply.
if in fact its the knee cap or patella the fluid should subside soon as the soft tissue supporting it heals. That is providing x-rays and if needed an MRI were completed to rule out any other damage.

I would not get to concerned as this time however if the fluid build-up continues another 2-3 weeks out I would seek the advice of the orthopedic doctor that saw him initially or a second opinion if needed.

If its a simple case of patella dislocation only I am not sure either how long he needs to wear the brace if the the muscles around the patella are strong and doing the job to keep the kneecap tracking properly.

Give it 2-3 more weeks if this continues get back in touch with the orthopedic doctor to rule out meniscus/cartilage tears etc...

Richard Haynes
Punta Gorda, Fl.

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