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Fractured Tibia/Fibula
9/21 14:22:38

I'm a healthy, active 22 year old female.  I was wearing high heels while on a business trip abroad and rolled over my ankle.  There wasn't much pain and I could still move my ankle somewhat, but I went to the hospital and was diagnosed with a simple tibia/fibula fracture near my ankle with minimum displacement and was placed in a cast with crutches.  The doctor didn't speak much English so I couldn't ask him any questions and I wanted your opinion.  Apparently I'm in this hard cast for 2 weeks with crutches and then the cast will be changed to a different kind.  When is safe to start trying to walk on the leg, when do you think I will be able to walk without crutches? Also, what types of vitamins can I take to heal faster?  Are there any exercises I can do to strengthen the leg or speed my rehabilitation?  Any advice you can give is much appreciated.  Thank you!


This is not my area of expertise, so as far as your time to start weight bearing, you'll need to ask your doctor.  Physical therapy will build the muscles and that will help you too, because the stronger your muscles are the better it is for your bones.

Glucosamine, chondriotin, calcium and Vitamin D are all good choices for vitamins but always ask your doctor first before taking any supplements.

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