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Hip replacement now?
9/21 14:22:43
Dr. Timothy K. Durnin - 10/20/2007

In 2000 I had a bone denisity test done, the results were above average for age. Several months ago I thought I had a hernia but xray showed that my hip was in bad shape so I was referred to an orthopedist. On our 1st visit he recommened a total replacement but gave me the option of trying shots. On my 2nd visit, I opted for the shot but since I wasn't in any pain I questioned whether I needed it. His nurse relayed the question over the phone (which she got wrong). I didn't see him so was unable to ask any questions. My questions to you could any of the medications that I have taken in the past or are currrently taking on a continuing basis be a contributing factor and by changing any will the progression slow? Also can PT and exercise help delay surgery? Anything for that matter. I would like to by some time because I am obese, have asthma, sleep
apnea and hypertension. My thinking is that everyone benefits it I lose weight, me, the surgeon and anestethologits. Guess there real question is am I approaching this in a sound manner. Currently I am in no discomfort which doesn't really mean a whole hell of a lot. Is there a time line involved? I am looking for a new orthopedist in the area but will probably go to Duke or UNC Chapel Hill. I really would appreciate any input. Thank you for taking the time Dr. Durin. Also recently my knee and wrist are giving me some problems, is it normal for more than one joint to be affected in this short period or could there be an underlying cause?

Hi Patricia,

Your on the right track, run, don;t walk from that ortho. First off, hip resurfacing is done when the cartilage has progressed to such a degenerative state that new cartilage can't be grown.

For years now a FDA proven OTC safe supplement taken at 3 grams a day has shown to actually reverse osteoarthritis is most patients. Don't take it with Motrin/Ibuprofen/Celebrex type meds since this inhibits and cancels out the Glucosamine sulfates ability to regenerate new cartilage. This will also take care of the other joint issues in time. Give it a few months and take it religiously at that dose and you should see remarkable improvement.
Remember, when you go to a guy with a screw driver, everything looks like a screw. Of course surgery and total hip would be recommended, no money in telling you the cheap easy and safe cure, sad but true.
Medicine is great, the doctors can be unethical, same with any profession but doctors can effect and potentially kill or disable you, I think they should be held to the highest standard. Since GS was not recommended, I would go elsewhere if needed. I doubt you will have issues if you follow my instructions, also, make sure the GS has MSM in it, that helps!

Good Luck!

Dr. Timothy Durnin

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