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Slipped Disk
9/21 14:16:08
Richard Haynes PTA/CPT - 3/18/2009

Dear Richard,
I am writing to you on an issue that on the face of it doesn't seem to be a part of your help offering. However, going through your website and your past answers and the broader topic, I thought that you will be able to assist me in some way.
About 9 months back , I was doing some stretching exercises and suddenly felt a lot of pain that started in legs and went upto my thigh and then my bum. Doc diagnosed it as a slipped disk. He advised that I do a stretching exercise - standing straight to start standing up on toes while taking both my hands up simultaneously. I did this for a few weeks, and eventually I started feeling a lot better. HOwever, after a few months, I had a strenous day and possibly did a lot of jumping up and down. This time, I felt pain and burning sensation, in the same leg, but to the side of my knee and it went upto the sides of my thigh and bum. I subsided eventually, but since then my earlier pain has come back again. My question are
1. can this situation be completely cured
2. Can I resume my normal physical activities like cycling, running, weight lifting etc.
3. what all exercises and diet will help me.

If you can help me with any/all of the above, I will be really obliged.


Hi Steve,

Your questions entails alot. To answer them briefly however if its a slipped disc you may have off/on problems with it depending on your activities.

I would recommend you work on your extension exercises each day maybe 10 reps of standing back extensions. Look up on the Internet the topic Mckenzie extension exercises. This was developed to assist in relieving pressure on the discs. By using the extension principles you work on pushing the disc back into its proper location. When you bend over you push the disc gel out the back which can compress the nerves causing you the pain.

When you feel better you should be able to cycle without a problem. The running may be too much impact on the area but try it and see what happens. With the weightlifting you would have to be careful with the amount of weight you are using and also how you pick the weight up.
Understanding how to use proper body mechanics when picking up objects off the floor for instance entails that you bend you knees prior to lifting instead of bending over at the back.You also want to keep the weight close to your body when lifting to reduce the amount of stress your back receives.

In other words you could lift weights but be selective in the amount of weight you use and the positions you utilize.

As far as exercise is concerned if your doctor has cleared you I would work on back hyperextensions to strengthen the low back and some gentle abdominal exercises while lying down to strengthen the abdomen. Make sure you have your knees bent before you do this and just complete a very crunch moving your head off the pillow slightly.

As far as diet is concerned this will have nothing to do with your disc getting better other then if you are overweight of course or have an extended abdomen.
Drink plenty of water to keep your disc and muscle tissue surrounding the spine hydrated. The discs need the water for nutrition and to assist with the load that each one carries from our bodyweight.

I hope you can get this cleared up by using proper body mechanics and back precautions and patience.

Yours Truly

Richard Haynes
Punta Gorda,Florida. USA

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