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I dont remember asking this question
9/21 14:22:30
I asked a question, and received a disappointing reply from you.  You said you had already answered this question for me once before.  I'm sorry if my memory is bad, but I don't recall ever asking you this question.  I may have once asked about snapping hip syndrome, because I have been to this site before, but I don't remember what your answer was. This question has not been answered, as I am not asking how to treat the problem, because obviously no one wants to help me with that, what I asked was, how do you begin to live with chronic conditions that can't be fixed?

Dear Skye

I'm sorry you were disppointed with my answer.  

I will address the second part of your question on living with chronic conditions, but you probably won't like the answer either, but I'll try my best.

You have to look at all your options.  Some are traditional and some are non-traditional, such as meditation, herbal remedies (with the consent of your doctor) and traditional medications.  Many people are living with persistant pain, cancer, organ failure and they try all different ways to cope with it.   You can look at emotional therapy to help you deal with anger and grief, you can look at traditional medicine for drugs which may help ease your symptoms, and you can look at alternative methods such as massage, meditation and laying of hands.

You have to find a happy  medium of things that help you deal with your physical problems.  I am not saying it's easy and I am not saying you are going to smile all the way through it, but you have to find a way to cope with problems you have so that you can lead the best life you can.

I use meditation, prayer, massage, some prescribed drugs and at times, when I find it harder to cope, I get emotional therapy.  That's my happy medium.

I hope you find yours.

Sharon Davis

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