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 Bone Health > Question and Answer > About Orthopedics > Kyphosis and Lordosis.
Kyphosis and Lordosis.
9/21 14:23:12
Hello Ms. Sharon,
     Hope this question finds you in great health. I dont know if I'm suppose to ask you this question, but your the only person for orthopedics on allexperts. I am 19 years old and my upper spine is curved which looks like a hump. Also, my lower spine is curved inward in the low back. Because of this I am very sad for I look haunched over all the time when I try to sit or walk, and it can be noticed easily. please tell me if I can be cured through exercise. Is it not to late because I read somewhere that for kyposis and lordosis exercise should be started at age 10.
Thanks a lot for being on allexperts.  :)
Best Regards,

Hi Mark

At 19, I doubt your problem can be cured through exercise alone.  If you are still under your parents health insurance, have them take you to a specialist in orthopedics.  If you are not, go to your primary care doctor and have him refer you out to a specialist.

I wish I could help further, but I honestly think you need to see a doctor to find out how your spine can be straightened.

Good luck to you

Sharon Davis

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