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explane patela femerial pain sydrome in english
9/21 14:24:14
I fell in febuary of this year on my left knee. After five months mri and xrays the pa told me today that the diagnosis said platela femerial pain sydrome. what is this and what can I exspect .

Hi Rita,

Patella means knee cap.  Femoral refers to the thigh bone (the femor).  Patella femoral pain means that there is pain where the knee cap rides on the femur.

Basically, the thigh bone has a groove in it that the knee cap glides in everytime you bend or straighten your knee.  It should be a smooth process with nothing touching.  When you have problems in that area, it can be because some of the muscles that hold the knee cap on track aren't doing their job (they are weak or tight, for example).  Other times, there is something wrong with the way the leg is lined up (like a problem with the arches of your foot or a problem in your back or hip area).

As far as what to expect:  your doctor will recommend a plan of treatment for you.  If it includes rehabilitation, you will probably be shown some exercises to help the muscles do their job more efficiently.  You may be given a brace to wear for a while to help keep the kneecap in the right place until the muscles get back in shape.  

There are also other approaches to this problem that don't involve rehab.  Your doctor may suggest different medications, rest, or perhaps surgery to align things.  

I hope this has helped!  I hope you feel better soon!


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