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Acupuncture for lower back pain?
9/26 9:02:39

Hello Dr. Brendon O'Brien
Thanks a ton for your suggestion. Just wish to clarify that as you anticipated,I had a relief after 5 visits, but after that neither it has become better and nor its has become worse. Its status quo ante.
(A) I continue will it damage my back or have some side effects? Ever since the acupuncture treatment has started, I find 'uncomfortable' to stand up and walk straightaway after sitting in one place for more than an hour. Is it some sort of indication?
(B)How do I know whether I have problem specifically in my Disc, Ligament, tendon or bone? Is MRI the only solution? My concern is can MRI detect the pain area and the cause of it? I also believe MRI is very expensive, is it?

Hope you dont mind too many questions. Looking forward to your response.
Thanks and regards,


Followup To
Question -
Dear Dr Brien,

Firstly, thanks for taking time off to read my query.I was a sports freak till 2002 when I injured my lower back while playing sports. Actually I could hear a 'screeech' sound in the lower back and I instantly knew that this is going to be something terrible. I was adviced to lie down on a hard bed (concrete floor)for next two weeks. Doctors diagnosed it as "LS strain" and showed me X-ray where disc between L4 and L5 vertebrae had reduced in size compared to others. Then onwards doctors told me to do some basic excercise for back, but it didn;t work either. I continued to have pain in lower back whenever I over-exert or sit for long duration. Then I went to see an Acupuncture specialist in China who is currently treating me with acupuncture (45min), followed by cupping (15min) and then final extensive massage (30min). He beileves that pain is not due to disc but due to cartilege between the 2 vertebrae.I have had almost 10 sessions without much relief. My question are - (a) Acupuncture the right treatment for me? (b) is my problem due to disc or cartilge and is it curable? (c)Can acupuncture lead to side-effects if later I realize that acupuncuture was not the right choice? I wish to be back on sports field since this pain is impacting my overall health and fitness level. Looking forward to hear your expert comments. Thanks and regards,
Answer -
Hey Jigs!

   No problem, I'm a sports freak too.  Acupuncture may work great for pain in the lower back, you may have some relief in the first 6-8 visits.  If the condition persists or is getting worse, you may want to have a MRI done!!! The MRI will show the cartilage, disc, tendons, ligaments, bone, etc.  This way you can see exactly what is happening in the lower back, thus allowing you to recieve the proper treatment and estimated recovery time!

   If you are experiencing muscle weakness or atrophy (muscles decreasing in size) in your low back or legs, get in for a MRI right away.

Hope this information points you down the road of recovery!

Dr. Brendon O'Brien D.C.

Hey Jigs,

  No, Acupuncture will not damage your back, only side effects are positive ones!  As for the MRI yes they are expensive, but it is the only way to see exactly what the problem is!!!  Check with your insurance to see if you have coverage.  So I would highly suggest a MRI.  If you can't afford it or is not covered, I would see a doctor of chiropractic (D.C. who is sports orientated) because we specialize in the biomechanics of spine and nervous system.  

Hope that info. helps!

Dr. Brendon O'Brien D.C.

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