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hope you can help
9/26 9:02:39

can tight muscles in back of neck cause ear problems...lately it feels like my jaw is locking my e/tubes and causing me to continuously move my jaw to balance ears then my jaw feels locked...i have tight muscles throughourt my body and  im  sure my ears are connected in some way to my jaw....i also have a tight diaphramthat seems topull when i walk and jut out...i lift my diaphram to breath but ive had lung xray that showed clear and spirometer tests that was excellent
i hope this is not out of your expertise

Hello Helen,

   Yes,  tight muscles in the back and front of the neck can cause pressure aroound and in the ears.  It always a good idea to have a EENT doctor to take a look inside your ear just to make sure you do not have an infection.  Chiropractic treatment may help relieve the pressure in the ear and the neck!!
   You may want to check your Calcium intake and make sure you are taking enough (this can affect all the muscles in your body including the diaphram).  You should be around 1200mg per day, also talk to your M.D. if you are taking any drugs for possible interactions.

Have a great day,

Dr. Brendon O'Brien  

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