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 Bone Health > Question and Answer > Pain and Symptoms > Chiropractors > mattress
9/26 8:53:03

I was wondering how do you tell when your mattress is needing to be replaced?  We have a queen pillow top, not real thick, and I believe it is a Corsicana.  We have owned it for about 3-4 years.  Does having it sink in a mean that it needs to be replaced?  What determines this?  Thanks for your help.

Hello Landon,

It is not an old wives tale:  Firm bedding is better.  For the low back and the mid back, firm is better, for the neck area, a little softer is okay.

Usually mattresses, properly turned EVERY month, can last up to ten years.  3-4 years is not an old mattress, but if it sinks anywhere,,,, time for a new mattress.

Sleep on your back or side, knees bent, neck supported.  Never sleep on the stomach.  Sleep in complete darkness without light or noise.

Hope this helps,
wishing you good luck, and Good Health Naturally !

Dr. Victor Dolan, DC   (email newsletter)  

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