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Years treatment for straightened neck and curvature of spine
9/26 8:43:42

X-rays show that my back is curved to the side and my neck is straight and protrudes forwards.  My chiropractor wants me to pay for a year's worth of corrective treatment up-front.  Is it usual for a chiropractor to ask for a lump sum payment like this?  What is my prognosis likely to be after a year?


There is no sufficient evidence that treatment will prove itself corrective.   There is no evidence to prove that the forward protrusion is a serious health risk.  These are "schemes" concocted by technique peddlers and practice-building advisors that the profession deems unreasonable and unethical.  Your prognosis for having a straighter spine after a year of care is poor.   There is no substantial evidence to prove that you would have better health if your neck is straighter.  I think it's a farce.  It is not an appropriate way to obtain chiropractic care.  If you have no pain and you have full function of your neck and you do not have any painful orthopedic signs such as tender/inflammed joints then you do not need a year's worth of chiropractic, especially not a year's worth paid in advance.  I don't know how licensing boards operate in Australia, but this behavior should be reported to your state's board.  

'Hope this was informative.

Dr. G

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