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9/26 8:42:11

A few months ago I reached for something I didn't think was going to be too heavy. So I pulled it off the shelf and when I stretched my left arm in order to hold the box I heard a pop. I didn't think much of it then, but now sometimes when I grab things with my left hand I feel a pain in the area surrounding the elbow. Kind of feels like a sore muscle after working out. Then there is other times that the pain comes from the area people call the "funny bone." Both pains prevent me from fully grabbing something at times and other times it's just really annoying. The pain, I would rate from 1 to 5 as a 4. What do you think happened? Money is tight so is there anything I can do? I'm constantly working with my hands at work as well lifting boxes.

Dear Cesar,

It is impossible to give you a good diagnosis without seeing you, but I will talk about some of the most common conditions that cause elbow pain, and give you some ideas of what you can do to try and help yourself at home. Please understand that without a good examination, my thoughts are just guesses.

The most common injuries to the elbow involve the tendon insertions at the medial and lateral epicondyles.

When a person is standing in the "anatomical position, their palms are facing forward with the arms down at the side. In this position, if the pain location is primarily on the outside part of the elbow, this could be lateral epicondylistis.  If the pain is on the inside part of the elbow, closest to the body, this could be medial condylitis.

In either case, the condition is due to injury of tendons at their insertion points at the elbow.  Treatment is as follows:

1) Deep muscle massage to the forearm muscles. Feel the muscles in the lower part of the arm, looking for tender/tight muscle fibers. When they are located, apply direct pressure to tolerance for about 10-15 seconds. Then look for other tight/tender muscle fibers.
2) Ice massage at the most tender spots at the elbow. This is done by melting an ice cube directly on the skin over the tender spot at the elbow for a few minutes, at least once per day.
3) Consider purchasing a Tennis Elbow brace/sleeve at your local pharmacy. It will cost about $15-$20.  It is worn on the forearm just below the elbow. These help to take pressure off of the damaged muscle/tendon insertion point at the elbow.
4) Give yourself some time to heal, and try to avoid re-injury. The condition will be aggravated by lifting and other activities that put stress on the elbow and wrist.
5) Eat an anti-inflammatory diet. Reduce your intake of refined carbohydrates and saturated fats.
6) Take a multi vitamin. Vitamins and minerals are essential for tissue healing.

Good luck Cesar. I hope that this helps you to recover.

Keith Biggs, DC  

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