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bid toe numbness, achilles rupture, high heels
9/21 15:08:09

Main complaint.  Big toes on both feet have been consistently numb for about 1 week.  Right foot is worse.  Started after returning from a trip where I wore high heels for hours on end in the evening.  I ruptured my Achilles tendon on the right leg in 2000 and my calf is much weaker than the left.  I know I tend to pronate when I walk.  The left leg takes does most of the work, callous is thicker and calf muscle was really sore after my trip but is better now.

No pain in the calf on the right leg but was feeling some initial pain in the joint at the hip.

What is wrong and why has the numbness not gone away?

Hi Nadine,

When you wear heels and don't typically wear them on a regular basis, you shift weight to the front of your foot and squeeze the toes.  The large toe will get compressed on the side where the nerve lies.  With pressure on the nerve, you will get numbness due to minor damage.  You should find that over the next few weeks the numbness should gradually go away and there should be no problem as a result of the numbness.  

I would avoid heels and tight shoes for a while to let it heal.  Light massage to the area will also help.

If you find that there is worsening or no relief, I would see a Podiatrist.  Also, for the pronation problem you may consider seeing a Podiatrist for orthotics/arch supports.

Hope that helps.


Marc Katz, DPM
Tampa, FL
Advanced Podiatry

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