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rib and back pain
9/26 8:49:37

1 yr ago I fell and hit full force (the bicycle handlebars) on my right lower rib area.  x-rays showed no fracture, the pain went away in about 8-9 months.  Fine for next 6 months.  Then same low right rib area started getting sore, with no apparent cause...exact same spot.  Couple weeks later felt a sharp pain, when putting on a sweater, in lower side/back area, just around the side of the previous rib pain.  Then everything increased.  right rib hurts for half an hour, then moves up to front ribs, then slowly moves to top right chest area, then around to shoulder, and back, etc.  May have a little relief, then starts again.  Can't's not a sharp pain, just dull, and pretty constant, while alternating positions.  If I lay on right side, it hurts....if I lay on left side, there is a pressure on my lungs....laying on back, is just I sit in a chair......all night....Have seen 12 doctors, who order x-ray, after x-ray, after ct scan, etc, and say the back pain, and side rib pain are not connected.  Coincidence?  The ct scan shows a shadow on the T9 they want another mri?????  they'
re looking at the spine, now, and ignoring the original rib pain.....that still exists.......When I sleep (IF I SLEEP AT ALL), I'll sometimes wake up in extreme pain for laying the wrong way.......but it goes away when I get up and move.  I'm thousands in the hole, with no relief?
Now I'm at a pain specialist who is suggesting torn intercostal muscle, and disc problem????? possible pinched nerve??????But wants an invasive treatment..........
What specialist should I see next????  Please help.

Hello Chris,

Sorry to hear of your pain.  Sorry to hear your sad story of doctor after doctor, Xray after MRI, after Xray after MRI etc.

I am sorry it has taken me a while to answer--- been having computer fritz problems,,,  finally hopefully fixed.

What did your Doctor of Chiropractic have to say?  Did you bring ALL of your reports/ tests/ prior opinions to your DC ?

Now,,, a shadow-  ".....The ct scan shows a shadow on the T9 they want another mri?????  ....."  This is first and foremost.  When I order testing, whether it is an Xray, CT, MRI, EMG,,, when the report comes back, when the picture comes back and shows something 'doubtful', questionable,,,,,, I ALWAYS get the next test done- until I have a cause nailed down, until I have certain Diagnoses ruled in, certain Dx ruled out.  First and foremost-- get to the bottom of that 'shadow'.

"....the pain went away in about 8-9 months.....", 9 months?- 9 months? ! - what was the diagnosis of the doctors that saw you? What kind of treatment were you doing for all that time?  What did the Chiropractor say, what did the DC do ?  Seems like an awful long time without a good diagnosis, without treatment making a larger, quicker dent in the pain.

Back pain and rib pain can be connected.  Go to the BioMechanical specialist-- go to the Doctor of Chiropractic.  Have your body- your kinetic chain evaluated by a DC with a sports specialty or orthopedic or rehab specialty ( see chiropractic specialty credentials at:

If your pain can be altered ( increased or decreased by position or movement ) then it is probably musculoskeletal.  This would be good.  This would be the kind of problem your Doctor of Chiropractic could efficiently treat.  But-- first you have to get to the bottom of that 'shadow'.

If your pain 'wakes you up' from moving,,,, that is probably musculoskeletal pain.

If your pain 'wakes you up' - - -  you have to have that pain fully evaluated, get to the bottom of that 'shadow'.

Before you move on to invasive treatments-
--get to the bottom of that 'shadow',
----return to your chiropractic doctor with all of the past information you can gather and get a new exam, a re-evaluation and perhaps safe, effective, cost effective, non-invasive, natural Chiropractic care could be appropriate for you.

Perhaps all of your aches and pains are caused by that bicycle accident- if this is correct the Doctor of Chiropractic is a great place for your treatment.

Perhaps your aches and pains are related to that 'shadow'.

Visit the DC.  Hopefully this will be the last doctor you need to see to get fixed.

If you need further information, do not hesitate to re-contact me here at  @

Thank you for the question, sorry for the time lapse.

Good Luck and I wish you Good Health Naturally,

Dr. Victor Dolan, DC, DACBSP    (Email newsletter)  

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