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Low back pain from an injury and tingling
9/26 8:40:57

QUESTION: Dear Dr.Kulla,

Thanks for taking the time to read my question. I'd appreciate your advise.

I am a 31 year old made who suffered a back injury playing badminton October 2010. I've been in mild/moderate chronic low-back pain since then. The MRI report shows a minor bulge in three sections of the spine. All of my doctors seem to advise that the pain would go away with regular exercise.

Since a few months ago, I've have started experiencing symptoms of tingling in my head, face, under the eye, and sometimes even inside the eye! There is no numbness. The tingling starts as soon as I sit down on the floor, or in my office chair or any chair/sofa at home. Sometimes I also feel an mild outward pressure being exerted from the inside of the top of my head. As soon as I get up and start walking around the symptoms will subside.

Are these symptoms caused by the back injury? Is it compressed/pinched nerve or related to anxiety? Can I benefit from consulting a Chiropractor?

Thanks for your advise Doctor.

Warm Regards,

ANSWER: that may be something entirely different. i would definitely consult a chiropractor as soon as possible. it could be bells palsy (do you have drooping of one side of the face?)
please go consult someone about that.

David kulla, DC
Chiropractor, NY

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Dear Dr.Kulla,

No I don't have dropping of one side of the face. My symptoms are mostly tingling pretty much all over the body and at times a mild, what feels like nerve pain around the heel, toe and on the sides of my thigh.

I will see a Chiropractor.


ranjit, sorry for taking a few days to get back to you. i doubt the 2 are related.
1. you need to consult a chiropractor to deal with your lower back pain. MAKE SURE HE CHECKS YOUR PSOAS MUSCLE. this muscle actually connects to the side of the discs in your lower back and you could have total correction of a disc bulge before it herniates. the only way to release the muscle is through the front of the pelvis near the belly button (umbilicus).
2. the eye pain sound like a pinched nerve in the neck (cervical spine) and should also be checked out by a chiropractor. see one  2-3 times a week for 6-10 weeks and then see how your doing.
you have nerves at the top of the neck that control the eyes. good luck!

DAvid Kulla, DC , CN
Chiropractor NY

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