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stomach problems from hiatal hernia procedure
9/26 8:41:25

QUESTION: Hi, is it possible for the stomach to get dislocated?  My chiropractor told me he could fix my hiatal hernia.  After two sessions I am positive he somehow seriously messed up my stomach.  It is out of place and loose.  I can barely bendover and I can feel my stomach bounce around when Im walking or driving. I would take a deep breath and he would push down on my stomach and then I'd exhale.  He said he was holding my stomach down when i exhaled and that the hiatal hernia would pull itself down through the diaphragm and be fixed.  Now Ive watched some videos on fixing hiatal hernias and no one did what he did to me.  Is it possible to move the stomach out of place? and now what do i do?

ANSWER: I have done that maneuver with success in my office. That's a great question though. I just don't know the answer to that. I wish I could be of more help. How many times did he do it? maybe you should let him know how your feeling and follow through with him. Give him an opportunity to fix it if he did something wrong.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: thank you for responding so quickly.  I did let him know and he was in total denial of my symptoms at first and said its impossible.  He has now told me he's only done it on himself a couple times.  Since admitting his inexperience with this procedure and his attitude has really turned me off to him.  There is no way Im going to let him touch me again.  Now Im worried that no one else is going to even want to get involved with some other doctors mistake.

i understand. Is it painful? sorry for your discomfort and i wish i could be of more help.'
i did research it a little after you wrote me. it  looks like this has happened before to others. If you have adhesions you will need surgery. you should have it checked to see how severe it is. if you are worried about a doctor not wanting to touch you after this incident then don't mention it.  

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