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back pain x-ray
9/23 17:42:30

Dr.Rozeboom: Thank for replying to my email, my follow up question is, would I be a good candidate for the new plastic disc they have out and because it is drying up and collapsing does't that mean, eventually the bones would collaspe and join together and than it would really be in pain with no cushion.          Thanks,  Diana
Followup To
Question -
hello I wrote a letter to you and dont know if you got it and I will send it again. I got a x-ray take of my spin ls complete x-ray  the report is, to follow up my last xray taken, because of getting hurt at work here is the results : History Back Pain.  progressive degenerative changes ar the L5-S1 level now resulting in near collapse of disc height, endplate and sclerosis, marginal osteophytes and nitrogenous degeneration of the nucelus.  There is very slight L4-5 anterolisthesis stable throughtout full range of motion.  Degenerative changes of the facets, L5-S1 and L4-5.  Vertebal body heights maintained.
Impression:  Progression of degenerative changes at the L4-5 and L5-S1 levels. No gross abnormality of motion.  could you please tell me what this means in common language, thank you.         Diana
Answer -

Thanks for writing!

I never got your letter.

What this means is this. The cushions between your back bones, (low back, just above the hips) are drying up and collapsing. This allows the last two bones in your back to come closer together. This is usually associated with a great deal of back pain.

Does this answer your question?

Would you like to know how to help it without drugs or surgery?

Dr. Rozeboom


Yes, you would be an ideal candidate for the artifical disc surgery. But nothing is going to work right unless you get your water intake to an acceptable level, get nutritional support for you cartilage system and clean out your liver.

Dr. Rozeboom.  

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