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C3 Fracture - 3 yrs later
9/23 17:38:01

3 Years ago, I sustained c3 fracture from auto accident. Yesterday my right arm became very swollen,started feeling it on the inside of the elbow and then my fingers swelled immediately and the whole arm was bloated. I had a really bad headache maybe 1/2 hour before. Could this be related? I experience a lot of swelling in my neck and nerve pain down the arms since the accident but this was a first.

Dear Karla,

Yes these symptoms can be related to your previous crash, but a direct link is difficult to determine.  The reason is that the fracture occurred so long ago, and the fact that this is a new symptom from what you had previously experienced.

Saying that, remember that all of the nerves that go to and from the arms travel through the neck and spinal cord in the neck.  Therefore even though your fracture was high in the spine, it can have an effect on the lower nerve roots of of the neck and the blood vessels as well.  Moreover, it is common knowledge that when someone injures their spine in an auto related trauma, that future degeneration of the spine will occur at a faster than normal rate. On a specific note, the ULNAR NERVE would be implicated from the pain referral you spoke of, and the C8, and T1 nerve roots that arise from the base of the neck.  These structures are part of the brachial plexus of nerves that supply the arm.  There is also a definite relationship with the arteries and veins of the arm.

If these symptoms continue, I would recommend that you get the area examined by either an orthopedist or a chiropractic physician. These two doctors are normally the best when it concerns proper diagnosis and treatment of the musculoskeletal structures near the spine and extremities.

Dr. J. Shawn Leatherman

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