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neck/back pain-dislocated disc?
9/23 17:39:22

Hi there,

Im a 23 year old female who has a history of back problems (due to a car accident 6 yrs ago) that gets generally pretty sore, as i sit in a desk all day. I used to have a massage therapist and she said that the top half of my spine is crooked. Generally, when i get back pain i pop a few muscle relaxers and ibuprofen and it masks the pain a little. But for the past 2 days, I cant move my head. My lower left of the spine in my neck and my left shoulder is in so much pain that i can barely walk or do anything for that matter. Every time i lie down, it takes me at least 5 minutes to get myself out of bed (using both my hands to support my head and try to lift myself up). Is it possible i have a dislocated disc in my neck...ive heard you have to do surgery to overcome this pain..or can i get away with trying physio (although the pain is far to great for the thought of even attempting physio). I appreciate your help!

Hi, Nicole,

Unforunately, there's a big missing piece in people's understanding of injures -- and it's good news for you.

Injuries and pain trigger reflexes that tighten muscles.  These reflexes come from the brain and are protective in nature.  But they can make muscles so tight that movement hurts and they can also cause disc problems, in the long term.

You don't need muscle relaxants or massage or surgery if you do what it takes to recapture control of those muscles from the protective reflexes.  Once you do, relaxation follows, pain disappears, and free movement returns.

Please see my articles on pain management, whiplash, and on completing recovery from injuries at

Feel free to contact me, again, once you've done the reading.

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